NIFI SQL Lookup Services Bundle

Apache NIFI SQL Lookup Service

Project maintained by mrcsparker Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

NiFi SQL Lookup Services Bundle allows you to so SQL for your NiFi LookupRecord and LookupAttribute needs.

For background, read:


Before you use the service you are going to need to compile it.

First grab the source code from github:

>> git clone

Second compile the code:

>> cd nifi-sqllookup-services-bundle
>> mvn package

Third add the compiled NiFi nars to your local NiFi install:

>> cp ./nifi-sqllookup-services-nar/target/nifi-sqllookup-services-nar-1.10.0.nar /PATH/TO/NIFI/lib
>> cp ./nifi-sqllookup-services-api-nar/target/nifi-sqllookup-services-api-nar-1.10.0.nar /PATH/TO/NIFI/lib

Finally startup NiFi:

>> ./bin/ run

You are ready to go!

Using the SQL Lookup Services Bundle

There are two NiFi controllers in the SQL Lookup Services bundle:

  1. LookupAttribute: look up a single column from a SQL query and assign it as an attribute to a FlowFile
  2. LookupRecord: look up an entire row from a SQL query and add it to the contents of a FlowFile

In this case, we are going to go over the LookupRecord controller (SQLRecordLookupService).

We are going to use PostgreSQL for the backend data store and the MovieLens data.

1. Download the MovieLens file

2. Create a database named movielens

3. Create the following schemas in movielens:

create table movies (
    movie_id	int,
    title		varchar(200),
    genres		varchar(1000),
    primary key(movie_id)

create table ratings (
    user_id		int,
    movie_id	int,
    rating		float,
    timestamp	bigint,
    primary key(user_id, movie_id)

create table tags (
    user_id		int,
    movie_id	int,
    tag			varchar(255),
    timestamp	bigint,
    primary key(user_id, movie_id, tag)

create table links (
  movie_id int,
  imdb_id int,
  tmdb_id int,
  primary key(movie_id)

create table genome_tags (
  tag_id int,
  tag varchar(100),
  primary key(tag_id)

create table genome_scores (
  movie_id int,
  tag_id int,
  relevance float,
  primary key(movie_id, tag_id)

4. Unzip and, using psql, copy in the MovieLens data:

movielens=# \copy movies from './ml-latest/movies.csv' delimiter ',' CSV header;
movielens=# \copy ratings from './ml-latest/ratings.csv' delimiter ',' CSV header;
movielens=# \copy tags from './ml-latest/tags.csv' delimiter ',' CSV header;
movielens=# \copy links from './ml-latest/links.csv' delimiter ',' CSV header;
movielens=# \copy genome_tags from './ml-latest/genome-tags.csv' delimiter ',' CSV header;
movielens=# \copy genome_scores from './ml-latest/genome-scores.csv' delimiter ',' CSV header;